Map S.2.6
Landtag Elections in Saxony (legend), 1869–1895/96
Note: This legend
applies to all maps in this Online Supplement depicting elections to the Saxon Landtag
from 1869 to 1895. Scale in the legend applies only to the published maps. In
1869 all 80 mandates in the Saxon Landtag were contested, on the basis of
constituency boundaries legislated with the Saxon Landtag suffrage reform of
1868. Thereafter, one-third of mandates were contested every two years,
according to the rhythm shown in the legend. A suffrage reform in 1896
fundamentally changed the basis on which votes were cast and counted, although
the geographical borders of Landtag constituencies did not change until another
suffrage reform followed in 1909. See also Wolfgang Schröder, Landtagswahlen im Königreich Sachsen 1869
bis 1895/1896. Mit einem Exkurs zum Dreiklassen- und Pluralwahlrecht 1896/97
bis 1909/1918. Beiheft zur Karte D IV 3, Atlas zur Geschichte und Landeskunde
von Sachsen (Leipzig and
Dresden, 2004).
Source: Philologisch-historische
Klasse der Sächsischen Akademie der
Wissenschaften zu Leipzig in Verbindung mit dem Landesvermessungsamt Sachsen,
ed., Landtagswahlen im Königreich Sachsen
1869–1895/96. Karte D IV 3, Atlas zur Geschichte und Landeskunde von Sachsen
(Dresden, 2002). Adapted by James Retallack.
Copyright © 2017 James Retallack. All rights reserved. This page is part of the Online Supplement to James Retallack, Red Saxony: Election Battles and the Spectre of Democracy in Germany, 1860-1918 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017). ISBN 978-0-19-966878-6. Last updated: 3 March 2022.